September 10, 2021
Honourable Marc Garneau
Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Mr Garneau,
It has been almost three weeks that the world witnessed a huge wave of desperate Afghan people fleeing the Taliban savagery. Parents desperately try to save their young children, especially daughters, who have been targeted by the Taliban for their sexual desire, some being as young as 11 years old.
I am the coordinator of Campaign for Open Borders for Afghan Women and Children fleeing the Taliban. We are requesting every European and North American governments to accept all women and children who have somehow managed to reach to their embassies. We need to immediately transfer these people to secure countries and once safe, then process their refugee status. We also hope the government can seek out sponsors for those who do not know anyone in Canada and have no contact with any groups or organizations.
The system that Canada has adopted is way too complicated and prolongs the placements. Especially for the ones who had to leave their homes rapidly due to fear of the Taliban and so left without any legal documents.
We are desperately appealing for your office to help and respectfully request a meeting at your earliest convenience in this regard.
Yours truly,
Homa Arjomand