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Letters to Homa Arjomand

Writer's picture: arjomandhomaarjomandhoma

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) Conseil canadien de surveillance et d'accs aux traitements (CCSAT) ttt P.O. Box 116, Stn "F" t Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2L4 t Canada Phone and Fax (416) 410-6538 t Email t Dear Homa Arjomand, On behalf of the Canadian Action Treatment Council, I would like to thank you and congratulate you and your colleagues on the tremendous effort put forward to the end religious arbitration in Ontario, and more specifically Sharia Law. The Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) is an organization built on the foundation of political activism; and strives to build coalitions with other supporters of basic human rights. It is for this reason CTAC feels it was important that we support this issue of equal rights for all of Ontario’s citizens. Without your enduring efforts over the past several years the province of Ontario would not made this historical announcement of “One law for all Ontarians” Once again, thank you, and congratulations. Brian Finch Ontario Representative Canadian Action Treatment Council Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) is a national, non-governmental organization directed by people living with HIV/AIDS. CTAC provides public policy advice to relevant stakeholders about systemic access to treatment issues and education on these issues.

Dear Ms. Arjomand, I write on behalf of the international law societies of Osgoode Hall LawSchool and the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, to thank you for your participation in the 12th Annual Canadian International Law Students' Conference (CILSC) on Saturday, February 26, 2005. Your expertise and leadership in the area of Shari'a law made a valuable and timely contribution to the panel and the CILS Conference as a whole. In light of the rapidly changing global socio-economic climate, you helped to ground and stimulate discussion on one of the most important issues of international and domestic law. Please know that we deeply appreciate the time you took from your busy schedule to prepare your remarks and to be with us. Once again, thank you very much for your expertise and generosity. We look forward to following your work and hope to meet again in the near future. Most appreciatively, Paul Jonathan Saguil Panel Chair, on behalf of The CILS Conference Committee


Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 8:20 AM

Subject: Question regarding an article on your si phone: (416) fax: (416)

Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 10:39 PM

Subject: Canadian International Law Students' Conference 2005

Homa Arjomand,

We hope that you may be able to attend the CILSC Opening Night Dinner as our Guest of Distinction. Please see the attached invitation and Dinner Acceptance Form. We request your electronic response as soon as possible, and your hard copy and cheque response for receipt by February 22, 2005.

You may respond to this e-mail account or my other Osgoode account specified in the forms.

Kindest regards,

Zara Merali

CILSC Finance Chair &

Opening Night Dinner Coordinator

hi Benoit on the on left side says petition, click on that and than when the petition open, before to reach to French version of petition says click hear to sign the petiton, by clinking that the icon for signing would appears. sorry about any inconvenient. homa I'm now on your site and I want to sign the petition, but I can'y find where to do it. Thank you BENOIT CHOUINARD 470 142e RUE VILLE ST-GEORGES QC CANADA G5Y 2L4

From: Campbell R

Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 8:20 AM

Subject: Question regarding an article on your site

Je désire co-signer la pétition contre cette atteinte gravissime à la légalité démocratique en la personne des femmes musulmanes, et aussi des hommes musulmansde l'Ontario.

Lorsque le droit est atteinte en certaines personnes, c 'est aussi notre propre personne qui est indirectement atteinte. Merci à vous de réagir,

Anne-Marie Roviello

Chargée de cours en philosophie à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles

I wish Co-to sign the petition counters this extremely serious attack with legality democratic in the person of the Moslem women, and also of the men Moslems of Ontario.

When it right is reached as certain people, C ' is also our own person who is indirectly reached. Thank you with you to react,

Anne-Marie Roviello

Charged of run in philosophy to the Université libre de Bruxelles

bonjour je me présente je suis un jeune algérien en france à la'université de rennes 2 .en master 1 psychologie .mon sujet de mémoire est le mariage forcé.je voudrais bienque vous me fournissez des informations sur le sujet et plus particulierement sur les approhes et les théories qui analyse le phénomene. merci d'avance salah eddine abbassi 125 bd verdun rennes 35000 france 06 16 46 96 86 salah_abomoa

hello I present myself I am young Algerian in France with la' university of reindeers 2 .in master 1 subject of memory is the forced marriage.I would like although you provide me information on the subject and more particularly on the approhes and the theories which analyzes the phénomene. thank you in advance salah eddine abbassi

Voici les coordonnées d'un nouveau site pour lutter contre l'islamisme politique. Amicalement

March 11

Here co-ordinates of a new site to fight against Islamism policy. In a friendly way

Dear Canadian Friends, I am deeply impressed by your website and the campaign to save Canada from the barbaric Shariah Law. I am amazed that educated people - even those at government level - can be so naive as to not recognise the true nature of Islam. Most "Politically Correct" supporters of Islam have read nothing of the Koran / Hadith. I lived in or near Islamic communities in India and Bangladesh for 31 years so have seen Islam from the inside. Long before "9/11" I also became aware of the desire of Islamic zealots to establish the Kalifat worldwide, beginning in the U.S.A. and that would include Canada. I found that most Muslims have not read all the Koran / Hadith which accounts for the fact that most Muslims are decent, friendly people. It is only when Islam is taken seriously and when the Koran is taken to heart that Muslims can become violent and aggressive. I am living in Australia so cannot share in your campaign but I wish you well as you seek to educate the people of Canada to open their eyes before Islam takes over not only Canada but also the whole civilized world. Every Best Wish, Keith Skillicorn SKILLICORN FAMILY MINISTRIES <> <> Caring for The Environment, Leprosy Sufferers, Widows, Orphans and the Disabled. <> Tutorials in the Gospel, Koran and Hindi Language. <> On-Line Shopping and Flight Bookings to support Charities. VISIT US AT>


Dear Ms. Arjomand,

I am a newspaper editor from Colorado. I have been following the Sharia debate in Canada from here.

Could you please inform me what has happened so far? Has the provincial government passed the law?

Thank you and good luck,

Mohan Ashtakala Publisher The Himalayan News 303-393-1893

Hi Homa, Your work is very important. Please keep up the work in fighting Sharia law here. You certainly have my support. This issue had a higher media profile several months ago; what is the current status of Sharia in Ontario? I have signed your petition. Hilary Walker.

15 feb

Dear Homa Arjomand, I read about your work on I'm inspired by your courage and strong stand. I would like to support you. I am only a poor college student,however I would be honored to make a small donation. If you can send me more info I will try to make people aware of this issue at my university here in Seattle, Washington state, USA. I am actually a Christian and I don't know what religion you are, but I don't want to see this happen in Canada. Sincerely, Aaron Martin

À qui de droit, Je ne sais pas si ma voix aura une importance quelconque dans ce dossier, mais je M'OPPOSE à ce que l'on accorde le droit d'arbritage à ce genre de tribunal. Nous sommes au Canada,pays qui se dit évolué et libéral. En reconnaissant ce tribunal nous retournerions à l'Inquisition ou lorsqu'on brûlait les sorcières. Nous avons lutté pour séparer l'état de la religion. Allons-nous reculer pour des raisons de rectitude politique? Sommes-nous capable en tant que peuple de défendre nos croyances et nos coutumes ou ne sommes-nous que des mauviettes? Pourrai-je continuer à être fier d'être canadienne? Ou me donnerez-vous une autre raison de souhaiter la séparation du Québec puisque je ne voudrais pas vivre dans un pays qui ne sait pas protéger ma culture et mes valeurs fondamentales? Thérèse Joubarne Montréal

I do not know if my voice will have an unspecified importance in this file, but I OPPOSE so that one grants the right of arbritage to this kind of court. We are with Canada, country which known as evolved/moved and liberal. In recognizing this court we would turn over to the Enquiry or when one the witches burned. We fought to separate the state from the religion. Will we move back for reasons of political straightness? Let us be us able as people to defend our beliefs and our habits or are we that weaklings? Will be able I to continue to be proud to be Canadian? Or will give me you another reason to wish separation from Quebec since I would not like to live in a country which does not know to protect my fundamental culture and my values? Thérèse Joubarne Montreal

Feb 16

MRS ARJOMAND, Following our telephone conversation yesterday, I wish to confirm that I am extremely interested to meet with you tomorrow, March 17, in order to do an interview regarding the International Campaign No Sharia. I also wish to bring to your attention the fact that I am working on a 12 to 14 minutes radio documentary and it would be very useful to me if I could record your arrival at the airport, the welcoming from the representative of Fédération des femmes du Québec and your travel from Dorval to the site of the forum . The story is on the fall out of the Marion Boyd report and your help would be highly appreciated. I am a journalist working for the french network of CBC, Société Radio Canada. I am assigned to a public affairs program called Dimanche Magazine, which is broadcast every Sunday from 10 to 12 . I will be at the Pierre-Eliott Trudeau Airport, in Dorval, for your 2 o'clock arrival with West Jet. If you want to contact me, please, do not hesitate. Regards . Dorothée Giroux

Ds Ajomound, I read your biography with great interest. There was a link to it in Daniel Pipes Article which I received this morning via E-mail. All the things you stand for, so do I. Womens rights, gay rights, HUMAN rights, as well as rights for the elderly and I am totally against any abuse of humans and or animals. It is refreshing to see another kindred soul, filled with the spirit to fight such atrocities and I commend you for your current fight against Shari'a. I know what it means to have to fight this inhumane and archaic Law that stifles the rights of women and ignores them as human beings. Not only that, I believe that women can only testify in Shari'a Court in matters of child birth only. This is outrageous! Women today are much more rounded, intelligent and capable of being not just witnesses in Court cases, as well as dignified representatives of the Courts, but highly trained experts in so many different areas of life with a keen sense of what is right and wrong with people, places and Societies as a whole. From my perspective, when the rights of others are abused such as what happened to you and your friend, and your family, then there is definitely a sociopathic or psychopathic personality in charge that ordered it. Those who would carryout such an atrocity against another human being would be equally affected. This is a condition that affects the entire human race. It is just as true in America as it is in Iran. I too, as an American, came across such an individual, and people asked me, how could this happen to you? Why would these people do such a thing to you? What did you do to deserve it? The answer to that became the motivating question which led me to my studies on sociopathy/psychopathy, and now I have my answer to that very question. It is an honor to know you, and the conditions which led you out of Iran, which you continue to fight from another border. I am glad you managed to escape. My empathy to you and your family for having to leave your Country under such circumstances, and to you personally for the loss of your dear and faithful friend. May you remember her/him always. Sincerely, Deborah


Dear Homa

you don;t know me but I am on your mailing list and receive your emails on a regular basis. I would like to meet you and chat with you because your biography intrigues me and I am keen to know more about your views. Is it possible to set up a meeting time so we can talk? Pls let me know asap. thanks Raheel

We would like to say thank to Homa Arjomand for the meeting in UQAM in Quebec for her intervention in march 17 against sharia. We are some women in Montreal in reaction against the negative religeous influence against women with the relativisme culturel and the dangerous speech done by federation des femmes from Quebec. We are feminist and against sharia . We doesn't understand why none politic action's are planned in Quebec We would like to participated and to know about future action's and international manifestation We say again Thank you and Bravo for your speech Francoise Goulnik

Jan 25

Bonjour, 1)Je suis une journaliste française. Je prépare un article - pour demain! - sur la menace des tribunaux islamiques en Ontario. Serait-il possible que vous répondiezaux quelques questions suivantes? - Où en est -on aujourd'hui, après la publication du rapport Boyd, favorable à l'arbitrage musulman. Le gouvernement a-t-il donné des signes dans le sens des conclusions de l'ex procureure? - Que craignez-vous au juste? Pourriez-vous me donner des exemples concrets de décisions qui pourraient discriminer les femmes? La Charte canadienne des droits et des libertés, qui doit primer sur toute autre juridiction - ne constitue-t-elle pas un bon garde-fou? - où en est la mobilisation, au Canada, et à l'étranger? Merci infiniment. Très cordialement Claire Chartier L'Express Service Société Rubrique Religion

Hello, I am a journalist Frenchwoman. I prepare an article - for tomorrow! - on the threat of the courts Islamic in Ontario. It would be possible that you answer some following questions? - Where is - one today, after the publication of the Boyd report/ratio, favorable to the arbitration Moslem. The government it gave signs in the direction of the conclusions ex procureure? - What you fear with just? Could you give me concrete examples of decisions which could discriminate the women? The Canadian Charter of the rights and of freedoms, which must take precedence over any other jurisdiction - doesn't it constitute a good parapet? - where is mobilization, in Canada, and abroad? Thank you infinitely. Very cordially Claire Chartier The Express train Service Company Heading Religion

Jan 31

4) Hello, my name is Natalie Climenhaga and I'm with the student newspaper at the University of Alberta called 'The Gateway.' I'm writing an article about the problems associated with Sharia law in Canada and would appreciate having the opportunity to talk to you. I am able to conduct long distance phone calls so if you are available this Friday the 4. February, I could call you either at 1-1:45pm Toronto time or anytime after 4pm Toronto time. The number I have to reach you is 416-737-9500, and the interview wouldn't take more than 15 minutes. I sincerely hope to be able to include your perspective on this issue in my article. Thank you, Natalie

Dear Homa:

Thank you so much for including me in your mailings....I am so proud of you and feel privileged to know such a courageous and indeed, wonderful woman! Remember that I meant what I said when I told you that I will do everything in my power to assist you in your endeavours!

I can br reached at Home

Sincerely in Christ's service,

PS You are in my prayers!

6)'My conclusion: keep all religions out of legislation affecting civil rights. What people agree to do privately, in accordance with religious precepts, may or may not result in an enforceable arrangement according to the law. But it will ultimately be our laws, and not our religions, that will determine our rights in society.' Peter Goldring, MP I couldn't agree more with Mr. Goldring on this one -- and would very much like to know his position on 'same sex marriage' ... In any case -- keep up the good work and let me know where one can sign your petition ... Kind regards, Leo Campos A. Edmonton, AB

Homa: Thanks for speaking to me yesterday regarding marriage of underage girls. My editor wants to do a big piece on sharia law, but we would like to talk personally to one of these young women who has been through this ordeal. We don't have to print their name or any other identification, but we would like to feature a personal story to open the piece. Please let me know if this will be possible to arrange. I think it would make your point on sharia that much stronger. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Isabel Vincent (national post)

Hi Homa, Sorry that I could not come to your meeting tonight, but I am interested in the work you are doing and the need to stop violence against women, stop the Sharia court developments in Canada and save the lives of women facing unjust sentences in Iran and elsewhere. Please let me know of the plans that are evolving from your effort and congrats on having the courage to take a stand. I work in an area in which there are people from many nations and a mosque on the same street as my office. I have no idea what the religious convictions of my neighbors might be, but I wonder? Are you going into local communities and into institutional settings and trying to reach the women who might be affected by Sharia courts? How are you reaching the young, the educated, the moderate or liberal elements, particulary as you must cross many language and cultural divides? How is a nonMoslem perceived in this struggle for equality and justice for women/ Good luck tonight, andria

Jan 9th

Hi Homa I just arrived back from a vacation and am working my way through the pile of e mails. I would be pleased to talk to you. My office no. is (416) 391-3110 & I will be in again on Monday Jan 9th. I am attaching my submission to the Boyd Commission FYI. I am the co-chair of the Canadian Association of Jews & Muslims. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday Jan 20th @ 7pm in case you are interested and available. I am looking forward to connecting - thanks to Cynthia! Barbara Landau

Je signe la pétition contre la charia au canada, comme d'ailleurs dans tous les pays du monde.

Jean-Pierre Bonnet.



A signer et à relayer avec vos carnets d'adresses.

Merci pour nos cousins du Canada qui sont en train de se faire emmerder par les islamistes.

l'Onu et les droits des femmes

Lundi 10 janvier 2005, s’ouvrent les travaux du Comité de l’ONU de lutte contre la discrimination à l’égard des femmes.

2005 sera-t-elle l'année qui verra, dans le monde, les droits des femmes progresser et l'égalité faire un bond en avant ?

Dans certains de nos pays, ces droits sont théoriquement et juridiquement reconnus, il est flagrant que nombreux sont les problèmes qui restent à résoudre, notamment en ce qui concerne l'égalité sociale (salaires, promotions, etc.) et les violences de toutes natures qui prolifèrent ces dernières années. Les tentatives de remise en cause des acquis de ces dernières décennies se multiplient, venant de toutes les réactions et de tous les intégrismes. Non seulement la résistance à ces menaces ne peut pas se relâcher, mais encore la lutte pour faire céder les bastions misogynes doit se poursuivre.

Dans de nombreuses parties du monde, hélas, l'oppression est loin d'être abolie. C'est le cas principalement (pas uniquement) pour les pays où sévissent les lois et règles islamiques. Dans ces régions les femmes, qui représent la moitié de l'humanité, sont encore violentées, considérées et traitées comme des êtres inférieures, mineures à vie. Le soutien au combat des femmes et des hommes de ces régions pour l'égalité des droits, est inséparable de la lutte pour les libertés, pour les droits humains, pour le progrès social.

Aucune concession ne peut se justifier !

Au Canada une bataille est engagée et se développe pour empêcher l'adoption, dans ce pays, de lois permettant la mise en place de la Charia à l'égard des communautés d'origine musulmane. C'est l'application, dans un pays démocratique, du "statut de l'indigénat" de sinistre mémoire coloniale ! Inutile de préciserque cette affaire fait partie de la strégie de grignotage et de pénétration des forces islamistes les plus perverses.

Leurs objectifs, clairement exprimés par ailleurs, sont l'infiltration dans les société "occidentales" de leurs préceptes obscurantistes et totalitaires. Les attaquescontre la laicité dans nos sociétés et particulièrement dans nos écoles, que ce soit à travers le voile, les cantines, les piscines, les hôpitaux, etc..; les infiltrations organisées dans divers mouvements et associations traditionnellement "de gauche" et les divers forums, font partie de cette stratégie, de même que les tournées

"ramadanesques". Comme au Canada et dans d'autres régions du monde, les islamistes rencontrent une complicité avouée ou parfois honteuse sous prétexte de "tolérance démocratque".

Deux documents joints :

un article du journal algérien La Tribune du 9 janvier sur les femmes algériennes et la session de l'ONU qui s'ouvre demain.

les adresses communiquées par les femmes canadiennes du mouvement contre la loi de la charia au Canada. Elles demandant que leur adresse-mail et un numérode téléphone soient donnés pour leur communiquer les messages de soutien qu'elles attendent avec espoir et qui seront envoyés aux destinataires cités

Below is the automated translation which is really choppy! Essentially they say Thank You to their Canadian cousins who are being bugged by the Islamists and are fighting back.

They say we must not relax the battle and must continue to fight those that belittle and attack women.

They draw the connection between the rights of women and all human rights.

They note the policy of Islamist of chipping away, of using the fine edge of the wedge etc to attack a democracy and the equalitarian social fabric.

They note that the strategy is to attack the secular nature of social institutions and public places such as swimming pools, restaurants etc

They also not that the Islamist use the pretext of ‘democratic tolerance’ i.e. multiculturalism

At their meeting they will present the documentation from the Canadian Women as call on participants to send messages of support

Dear Homa,

I am very much opposed to the government permitting Sharia law to prevail here in Canada. I think that it is extremely important that religious laws not contravene human rights legislation and that secular law should be the the only legitmate legal system permitted in this country.

Do you have any letters that can be sent to the appropriate government authorities?

Linda Gruson, Ph.D.


Hi Homa I will look forward to speaking to you. My secretary will not be in so I may not hear the office phone. I will call you back if I miss the call. Also, my home no. is (416) 449-8311 & my office is in my home. The Canadian Association of Jews & Muslims will meet at Temple Emanu-El Synagogue at 120 Old Colony Rd. This is 4 blocks south of the 401, East off Bayview at the end of the Old Colony. Enter by door B at the north end of the first parking lot. We will be in the Kiddush room. I will send you an announcement with an agenda as soon as it is ready. My co-chair is Shahid Akhtar. Best wishes, Barbara Landau, Co-Chair CAJM

Hi Homa.

Congratulations on this request, these young people are so important as they are our next generation of leaders. It is a great opportunity for you to get your message out.

I received a request some time ago for financial assistance, and somehow have lost or misplaced the info on the bank account etc to make a donation. If you could resend that info I would appreciate it and will be happy to help. Hopefully your cause will succeed. Best wishes. Lydia Macdonald

Jan 11

Dear Homa,

I am delighted that you have been invited to speak on the panel. Upper Canada College sometimes produces influential men. It will be an opportunity to shape their thinking.

Women continue to be oppressed in so many countries; overtly in some and subtly in other more sophisticated cultures. In tribal African, and Islamic countries they are little more than chattel. You will be speaking for all of them! I wish you a golden tongue!

Sincerely, Pomona Pefanis


Nous venons d'êtres mises au courant d'une future lois au CANADA, permettant l'application de la "chari'a"???????????????



Collectif FEMININ

bnet fatma nsoumer

Hi Homa

Letter from france femmes

La situation des Algériennes passée en revue à New York

Dimanche 9 janvier 2005

La New York

I trust you're doing well. I'm wondering if you may be able to help me with some info I need for another story? The story is about sexual predators who prey on other adults of the opposite sex within the church community. ie. a man who preys on vulnerable women under the guise of friendship and emotionally and/or sexually takes advantage of her, or a woman who does the same thing to a man.

I know you're not Christian, but I thought you may have heard of these stories because you're a women's rights activist. Let me know.

Thanks for your help!

Josie Newman

Homa, thank you for the e-mails updating the movement of the Boyd Report. I am in Québec where pressure is mounting for sharia courts. I just returned from vacation but would be glad to show support according to your action plan. Do you want me to send a letter? If yes, to whom – the attorney general of Ontario?

Please advise..

Thanks Valérie Mollard


Please continue your movement against the Sharia Court system. Ms. Boyd has little understanding of the Islamic laws. They are applied by uneducated or half-educated Mollahs and Ayatollahs. And due to lack of real democracies in the Muslim world, they have the upper hand among the equally illiterate masses. We are not so in Canada.

Let this arbotration act be applied to the Hindu's Mannu Law for Women. All Hindus in the world, including India, will rise in revolt.




I'd like to speak with you about sharia courts when you have a moment, if you can give me a call. My office number (below) takes collect calls.

Many thanks,




"60 Minutes"

CBS News London Bureau

+44 (0)20 7887 3066 Office*

+44 (0)781 206 3066 Mobile

* When calling from outside the U.K.,

drop the "0" after the "44".

I would like to thank you very much for this letter. I will share it with members of our federation since it exactly expresses how we also view this matter. I will be meeting with Alia Hogben on January 26 and would like you to know that I am very supportive of this struggle.

Susan A.C. Russell speak to us? I'm writing to you because I saw your interview on

January 12, 2005

Jane Gaudry

Dear Homa,

Thank you for your many e-mail messages. Living on the West Coast, I am unable to attend any meetings, but am following the case closely. Today's mail re: letter to Pupatello has prompted me to contact you. I am considering sending a letter to Sandra Pupatello - just want to know if the jury is still out on this, or has there been any decision made, and if not, when might that be?

Dear Homa,

That was a very quick reply to my second email. Thank you for it. I appreciate your taking the time. I am sure you have very much to do.

You may be sure that I will follow your progress with great interest and sympathy. And I will also pray for the success of your campaign. You deserve the gratitude of all women--not only those in Ontario.

Once again--Sincerely Pomona


I sign this letter with great concern and conviction that the settling of family legal matters based on religious law has always been, in all countries, and will always continue to be, a complete denial of women’s fundamental human rights, a blatant disregard of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other basic human rights documents, on the part of countries that have adhered to these documents, a catastrophe for women. Bernice Dubois Secrétaire Générale de la C.L.E.F. (Coordination française pour le Lobby Européen des Femmes)

Dear Homa, This is Luke, Irshad’s assistant. Irshad is on the road right now, but I have added her name to your petition. (See below.) She is a fan of yours, and she congratulates you for all the leadership you are showing. Warm regards, Luke

January 12, 2005

*22)I, Mohammed Jamilul Bashar, president of Young Muslim Society strongly support the secular court and one law for all in Canada. Please add my name along with my organization to the supporting list. Thank you.

Mohammed Jamilul Bashar

Jan 14th


Edmonton, January 20, 2005

ChangingTogether…A Centre for Immigrant Women will be hosting an educational conference Featuring Keynote Speaker Homa Arjomand discussing “Emerging Issues in Women’s Equality----A Look at Sharia Law”.

“If the government allows Sharia arbitration, it will push women to stay in abusive relations because social pressure and influence of her religion would oblige a woman to use arbitration,” says Homa Arjomand, co-coordinator of the International Campaign Against Shari’a Court in Canada (ICASCC).

The Conference will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2005 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Stanley A Milner Branch of the Edmonton Public Library, 7 Churchill Square,

Edmonton, AB

Further information is available by contacting Sonia Bitar, Executive Director, at (780) 421-0175.

"If the government allows Sharia arbitration, it will push women to stay in abusive relations because social pressure and influence of her religion would oblige a woman to use arbitration," says Homa Arjomand, co-coordinator of the International Campaign Against Shari'a Court in Canada (ICASCC).

Changing Together...

A Centre for Immigrant Women

Invites you to hear


Homa Arjomand

"Emerging Issues in Women's Equality:

A Look at Sharia Law "

Date: Saturday, January 22, 2005

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Lower Level Theatre

Stanley A. Milner Branch

Edmonton Public Library

7 Churchill Square

Edmonton, AB

Everyone is welcome.

Refreshments will be served.

Special thanks to the Edmonton Public Library for donating their facility.

Jan 19

Hello Homa,

Yes we can work together on issu of political islam…can you give me more information. I speak verry bad english, but you can write me in english if you want…

Best regards. Samia.

06 80 57 26 95 in Paris.

Jan 21

Hi Homa,

I put the web site and the petition in our site , and I contact you soon, just after visit your site quitely…forgive-me for my bad english…have a nice day. Samia Labidi.

For goodness sake, be careful out there.......followers of Islam seem to have no problem with killing those even in North America as we saw with that family of Copts in New Jersey last week......

Take precautions always...

Devon in Calgary

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Dear Ms. Enola:

On Friday the 20th, I sent an e-mail to Ms. Arjomand with the hope that she would forward it to you. The request for information about your sources for the paragraphs you quote in your paper Shari’a: a threat to the Canadian society, April 22, 2004, is no longer necessary because I have located the paragraphs inApostasy and Blasphemy in Islam by Syed Mumtaz Ali at

Thank you for your courage and persistence in calling attention to Mr. Ali’s work. I was afraid that I might not be able to locate the paragraphs you cited because of your following remark. Quote:

This is a huge website of the main group promoting Sharia courts. Some of the writings of Syed Mumtaz Ali which I have quoted and which I have in hard copy, have since been removed from this site. End of quote. ]

Apparently all the information is still on line at

Mr. Ali’s entire document, in the context of North America in the 21st century, is even more astonishing than the paragraphs you quote. For a thirteen century history of Islamic tolerance, please read the three books, and within a month a fourth, by Bat Ye’or, as well as her many papers available at . From this background, Mr. Ali is pleading for tolerance!

I am trying to find the date of publication of Mr. Ali’s paper. If you happen to know what it is or where I might look, please let me know.

Very respectfully yours,

Trenchard More, Jr.

Dear Mr. Patten,

Thank you for replying to my letter of December 28, 2004 regarding the use of sharia law in arbitration of family law and for forwarding the executive summary of the report prepared by Marion Boyd.

While I have read and appreciate the information, I fundamentally disagree with Recommendation number 2 that "the Arbitration Act should continue to allow disputes to be arbitrated using religious law..." Even if the recommended safeguards are in place the risk of unequal treatment of citizens before the law and of miscarriage of justice is simply too great.

While I do not represent an organization Ido endorse and sign on to the resolution copied below. It explains clearly the reasons why religious communities should not have the authority to arbitrate family law.

You have undoubtedly seenthe reaction in Quebec to the proposal to fully fund a religious private school and the Charest government's reversal of decision in face of public opinoin. I submit that the majority public opinion in Ontario is no less firm in its desire to see the separation of religion and the state. Your governing party should take advantage of this climate to implement the resolution below.

I have never told anyone before how I have voted, but I feel strongly enough about this to tell you that I voted for you in the last provincial election and that your party will lose my vote over this issue unless it stands up for fundamental principles of equality of all before the law and separation of church and state.


Darren Schemmer

Jan 24

Dear Homa:

Just wanted to say thank you for coming out to see us and thank you from Vern & I for the

gifts that you gave us. It was such a pleasure and honor to get to know you. While the crowd

was not large at the event we feel hearts were touched. You are always welcome to stay

at our house, we would certainly would like to know you on a more personal level.

Even tho we are Christians and you are not, I feel we ar a kindred spirit. Our God teaches us to love one another as ourselves, and, if the world followed this teaching what a wonderful place this would be.

Hope you had a good trip home and that you will have time to have some fellowship with your family before

you are on to the next engagement. Please keep us posted on what is happening.

God Bless You and your family,

Love Judy

. Hi Homa: These Muslim leaders who are speaking in favour of polygamy, are they the same ones who favor sharia law? The ones I've seen quoted are Sayd Mumtaz Ali, president of the Canadian Society of Muslims and Mohamed Elmasry of the Canadian Muslim Congress.

What do you think about Stephen Harper linking same-sex marriage and polygamy? Please call me if you can. I can be reached on my cellphone at 604-802-9670 or at home at 604-258-0068. I'm writing a column for Saturday.

Thanks. Daphne Bramham Columnist The Vancouver Sun

Jan 24

I hope your trip home was better than the one here - my goodness - what a weekend. You were in the Sunday paper here in Edmonton as well - I will fax you a copy of it - I am also putting pressure on Peter Warren on not only Sharia law but other issues you brought up. You spoke so well and clearly that I hope to get a copy of your speech from whoever filmed it - Sonia will know cuz she arranged it. I still have to thank Sharia law for one thing - I am so honoured to have met you and your friend in Edmonton Meana (spelling). Also even Sonia. I will keep in touch with you and keep plugging away at this fight. My next move is to attack Mx. Boyd on her decision to use Sharia as a cost saving devise while oppressing women and creating stress among those who are forced to abide by it. Any angle I can use I will use. Time to be Canadian and you are a wonderful example of what a Canadian should be "one who believes in equality and will fight for it at home and abroad." I do so admire you. I love you - take very good care of yourself. Lynda

Dear Homa:

I am with you on this journey. It may be a long one, but destiny is on horizon and we

are certain we will get there soon.

It is an honor to be part of the appeal team when we get to that point.

Please keep me on your list for the upcoming meetings.


David Mario Farmani

Farmani Law Office and Associates Barristers and Solicitors

Homa, My name is Tahir Aslam Gora. I am an exile Writer from Pakistan living in Hamilton Ontario. I received your invitation to speak out against Sharia Court. Sure, I would love to participate. For my bio and details of my struggle for Freedom, you can check my website,, This website already condemning the proposal of Shariah Law. If you get chance, please enter my name "Tahir Aslam Gora" in any search engine like yahoo, you will find couple of web links regarding my intro. Recently I addressed to my Foundation's Forum and expressed my concerns as follow: {NO SHARIAH IN CANADA The New Islam Foundation urges the Ontario Government to withdraw the Proposal of Shariah Law. "Instead of moving towards more secularism, Canadian politicians are trying to push the society to the ditch of backwardness and segregation", these are the remarks of Mr. Tahir Aslam Gora, President of The New Islam Foundation. He was addressing to the executive committee of The Foundation. Mr. Gora, author and activist, urged the authorities to keep intact the secular gesture of the society. "I don't understand what's the need of this debate even, if Ms. Marion Boyd concludes that Muslims have the right to seek religious arbitration and mediation for family disputes such as divorce, custody and inheritance cases, then who will watch the transparency of this shariah law within the Muslim communities?" After putting this question, he expressed another concern, "I must say Canadian Politicians must understand the complexities of the tribal values of Muslim Community, If any law such as shariah Law start prevailing parallel, then most of the justice seeking Muslim women won't knock the existing Canadian laws, they will go for Islamic arbitrations and they might bear the injustice for the sake of Islamic honour, so this shariah Law might be a sort of honour killing in Canada. Canadian Politicians need to learn this reality that we the Muslim people are more religion bound people than anybody else. On the name of religion, we are always ready to sacrifice our lives, rationality, justice and even human rights. When we bring shariah within our circle, then every thing has to be determined according to the Shariah. Although, Ms. Marion Boyd sees in her capacity that she is actually not going to introduce Shariah Law and announces, 'it's just a Muslim family law'. And then question arises, what is a 'Muslim family law'? "Muslim Family Law" is a part of Shariah Law. That's why, The Islamic Institute of Civil Justice echoing on its website, 'Muslim minorities living in non-Muslim countries like Canada are like wandering Bedouins to whom Shariat applies regardless of where they live. Although they are free to live according to the Divine Law, and practice their faith unhindered in their homes and masjids they have practically no say in the making of the laws of the land, and governmental institutions do not cater to their needs.'" Mr. Gora further said, "what ever you name or shape this law, this is slap on the secular image of Canada. We expect our beloved country Canada moving towards more secular gesture like France did. France banned religious symbols for its secular gesture and we are trying to push our country to the ditch backwardness and segregation."} If you feel you can circulate my email to your group people. I would like to visit your organization friends some time. We may have possibility of working together. Regards Tahir Aslam Gora

This email is to connect you two, Homa Arjomand and Barb Landau, who I think have a lot in common (as well as being friends of mine!). In particular, an interest in mediation and the particular interests of women and children in this process. Homa, a social worker, referred me to two websites and which I have'nt had a chance to look at, but which give a sense of her interests. Barb is a psychologist and lawyer, now working on family mediation, and is very savvy about the politics as well as potential of this field. In addition, Barb has been doing lots of bridge building between the jewish and muslim communities in Toronto, that Homa might like to participate in, and might have other events in which Barb might be involved in future. I hope this is the beginning of a long and fruitful association!

Cynthia Joy

Thanks Homa for keeping me informed. I would like very much to have someone conduct an interview with you for If you know of someone, please let me know. I have spoken with the journalist to whom you referred me to but we have not reached an agreement. Let's keep in touch.

Best regards,


Dear Ms. Homa Arjomand:

I congratulate you for your solid voice and leadership to speak again the tyranny of Sharia.

Our Muslim sisters have suffered enough in the name of Islam and these women have

fled their homeland to be safe in Canada.

There is no room for this type of injustice under the veil of religion in Canadian society and

must be stop in its inception We are with you in this campaign against this infected program.

These propaganda and agenda are formulated by a group of people who serve special interest and

are culturally insensitive to women's right in the Muslim world.

We are with you and our sisters in your campaign against Sharia.

Please advise should you need our assistant or legal advice.

Farmani Law Office and Associates Barristers and Solicitors

Family Lawyer

I want to ask you: why has Nobel Prize winner Shirin Abadi not done anything to stop this? If she is active to tstop this strocity please advise in what capacity is she acting. If she is not acting, she should be ashamed before the world. Best wishes, J. Kirkpatrick, PhD

Dear Homa Arjomand, We're very concerned with Marion Boyd's report. Thank you for your information, we are in complete solidarity with your struggle. I was wondering if you could find people to translate your texts and communiqués in french . It would be of great help for us and would allow us to publish them on Sisyphe. Cordialy, Elaine Audet Co-editor of Sisyphe

Good Morning Homa

Our nonprofit organization would like to support your petition. We also can help you

Get more support thru our community site You can add this to

Your site with new button .

We also have ready on standby ( We can have your petition on homepage )

Thank You

Hi Homa,

Thanks for the info about the YMCA and if you think of any other matter regarding Marion Boyd 's report, please don't hesitate to contact me. Happy holidays and all the best for the New Year,


Hi Homa,

I used a quote of yours from the report in today's story in the Star. Hope you don't mind.



Hi - I read Ms. Boyd's report today. Very disappointing. I will be sending funds and look forward to continuing our efforts in banning Sharia from Ontario.

Again, thank you for fighting the good fight.

Yours sincerely, Jane Mose

Dear Ms. Arjmand,

Thank you for providing us with these comments. This will help us in assembling material for the conference and help prepare the other panelists to round out the perspective. We are in the process of finalizing the panel composition and will inform you as soon as possible about whom you will be attending the conference.

Best regards this holiday season!


Dear Homa,

I'm stunned, flabergasted, shocked and more! I can't believe Marion Boyd's report and who is this Takek Fatah person? She has legitimized the worst of any faith based court, she has as if endorsed fundamentalism of any faith to exist and rule to the extent that our civil laws now take second place, as do human rights. I'm appalled and I'm not done yet. I have more to say and will get on with that over the next few days, Inshall

14) Hi Homa I do like to talk to you regarding the implementation of these sharia laws in canada ,we are the muslim women of modern times and dont want to be ruled by such laws which let us down . Our religion has given us alot of respect and these Molvis cannot overpower us or can let us down by these kind of things .Plz contact me . Dr Uzma

Hi Homa,

I'm sure you are not surprised by the report. There are some improvements in the recommendations that I am glad to see, however I am still concerned that the rights of the individual to the protection of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are secondary to Multiculturism and Freedom of Religion........I await your response to the report.



Hoping to get some comments from you regarding Marion Boyd's report. Are you issuing some sort of press release? If so, could you send it to this address. Or better yet, could you call me at the number below so we could chat for a few minutes?


Meredith MacLeod Reporter The Hamilton Spectator Hamilton, ON

Hi Homa, I work for the Rutherford Show in Alberta. We are a live radio news talk show in Alberta. You were on our program in September and it was a great interview. We are hoping to interview you today (Monday, Dec 20) at 1:30 pm Eastern time and of course it's in regards to Marion Boyd's report which is being released today. Please let me know asap if you can do the interview and what phone number we can reach you at.

Cheers, Jennifer Earl-King Producer The Rutherford Show

December 20, 2004

Dear Ms. Arjomand, My name is Odelia Bay and I am with the community radio station CKLN 88.1 fm. I am writing to request an interview with you this Saturday about the stuggle against Shari'a tribunals in Ontario. The interview would be part of our flagship news show, Saturday Morning Live at about 10:10 am. It would be about 15 minutes in length and could be conducted by phone if that is easier for you. Please consider this request and let me know if you will be avalible to chat with me on Saturday

Very disappointed at decision handed down tonight by Ms. Boyd, as I am sure you are as well. Will continue to try to encourage others to support the fight.

E.Lydia Macdonald, Port Hope, Ont.

20) I am very disappointed. There is no point comparing the arbitration to the Jewish and Chritisan faiths. The situation here is different. UK has not allowed it. Isn't that an indication?

Kumkum Ramchandani

Please let me know how I can get involved. Are there more protests planned in light of yesterday's decision?

Christine Moore

22)Dear Homa,

this is what we are doing our CNN piece on tomorrw.

I would be so grateful if you culd assist us with some of these contacts.

We would like to interview you tomorrow, being Thursday at 6P (et) at a studio in Toronto.

Many Thanks

Nadia Bilchi

Hi Mrs Arjomand,

I am writing to you to know if you would be available for an interview to react to the report of Marion Boyd about islamic tribunals.

The report is supposed to be made public today.

I am working for a provincial show at CBC FRENCH in Toronto.

The interview would be in french, if you can speak this language.

Thank you.

Ysabelle Bourassa associate-producer Radio-Canada

Hello Homa,

I 'm sending you again my questions and the aspects I'd like you to help me with for my article about Boyd's report.

Marion Boyd’s report is a real catastrophy.

I’m writing an article and I need you to participate :

Homa,I couldn’t beleive my eyes while reading what she wrote in her report about polygamy.Could you comment that for me ?

My very modest English wouldn’t help me to say how desappointed I am with Boyd report!

She adopted the extermits muslims logical about heritage,plygamy,man superiority basing on woman aren’t supposed to participate in familial expenses!!!

I’d like you to react to that.

All the time in her report she was saying about many aspects of discrimination against women that it’s logical in Islam.About polygamy,she said in a paragraph that muslim women have more advantages than Canadian women because they heritate from their husband!!!

The logical of her report is that the gouvernement has not to protect people rights when they choose the arbitrage and everybody can choose his law to make arbitration about family and human rights matters!!!

I know I’m not asking questions.I’m so desappointed!

I’d like to have your reaction about her analyze when she talkes about polygamy,heritage etc in Islam .She really shows respect for this very conservative,verypatriarcal logical!! .

**Homa,I’m trying to have an international reactions against this report in my article .I’ll have representatives from Europeene Parliement commenting this project.Could you help me by giving me contacts in Europe or in muslim world.I think it’s important to make Ontario governement know that personalities and organizations around the world are againt this bizarre project.

**I read in your declarations: “I was surprised that Ms. Boyd didn’t find any evidence of women suffering from discrimination during faith-based arbitrations” Our lawyers are studying the decisions of several arbitration cases and will bring them to court and expose how women are victimized by male-dominated legal decisions based on 6th century religion and traditions.”

could you give me examples of concret cases of discrimination that happened in arbitration in Ontario or cases of women victims of charia ?

**Mme Boyd talked in her report about many islamists and sometimes she couldn’t hide how pleased she is about their experience with arbitrage:

Could you please give me more information about the Chia Ismailits in Ontario? And about El nour Mosque ? and about Aly Hindy ? Mubin Shaikh ?

I’d like to say in my article who are realy this people.

**I read that you oppose the conclusions of Boyd’s report ‘’because it recommends using faith-based arbitration and encourages the spread of Political Islam in Canada. Could you explain more? How to convinc my readers that these are not just religious people trying to practise there religion ?

I’m following your intersting actions by reading your e-mails.Thanks for that and for your activism for women rights.

I’ll publish my article next thirsday.

Write me you commentary as soon as you can ,

waiting for you answer

and for contacts that I may interview in Europe,United States and muslim world

Excuse my bad English. I’m trying my best to improve it.

Monia chadi

I am not in the habit of sending long emails; however, considering this our first communication, I thought it necessary to state who I am, what I have done and would like to do without duplicating efforts made by yourself or other supporting individuals or organizations. As an executive member of the Waterloo-Wellington Provincial Liberal Riding Association-Chair of Multiculturalism and President of the Perth-Wellington Federal Liberal Riding Association, resources are available that may be beneficial. I have already spent countless hours researching Sharia Laws and made two presentations to Ontario Liberal Riding Associations. Both ridings passed a motion to send a letter to the Premier with c.c. to Ms. Boyd and Ms. Pupatello objecting to Sharia Laws in Ontario. I have since learned that one letter was vetoed by the sitting MPP. I have also emailed another sitting MPP requesting their stand on this issue and the reply was in accordance to Party practices while other MPP’s did not respond. Two frivolous letters have been received by the Premier. I have also conducted my own surveys, which have been forwarded to the Premier, Ms. Boyd and Ms. Pupatello. If you wish, I will forward this to you. The local paper is on board as well. I have been in contact with Canadian Council of Muslim Women- Ms. Alia Hogben.

Considering Ms. Hogben is requesting a meeting with the Premier in January, I have concluded that it would be too time consuming to continue to make this presentation to individual Liberal Riding Associations plus any riding association with a sitting MPP would probably adhere to Party practices and veto any decisions made by executive members. However, if you think differently, I will continue.

Although I have noticed that Ms. Hogben’s letter to the Premier was c.c. to both opposition leaders, I feel this might be premature, as the current government must be given some time to decide what to do with Ms. Boyd’s report. However, I do feel that we must quickly engage individuals and Liberal members in order to increase pressure.

I noticed that the website regarding Resolution 04-11-01 was last updated on Dec. 22/04-after the release of Ms. Boyd’s report. Am I correct to understand this Resolution is current? Will you grant permission to download and copy the Resolution?

Question: Can individuals sign this or is it just for organizations?

Also, I would need to know which organizations are supporting this cause. If you have not contacted the Women’s Institute, I would be happy to do so. Likewise, the Universities in Guelph and Waterloo as well as Conestoga College.

I have only read one story where injustice was experienced with arbitration. When

appealing for support, it is easier and more powerful when actual experiences can be divulged. Is there someone that I can contact to get this information.

Ms. Arjamond, I want to be involved, please contact me.

Heidy Schmidt

3) Dear Ms Arjomand, I have read a few journalistic articles about the possibility of Sharia in Arbitration in Ontario, and it strikes me that you do well to try to prevent this event. "There must be no state within the state" indeed. Naturally a lot of the reality will get beclouded in discussing questions about the difference between Sharia itself and how Sharia, the Quran and other Islamic traditions are interpreted. Obviously these aren’t meaningless questions. To consider the case of Christianity, obviously people of very different concerns and educational understandings can arrive at very different interpretations of the Bible and what biblical doctrine teaches and demands. In practical considerations, this interpretive openness directs our attention to who in a given religious, familial, or political situation will be the offically recognized interpreters. I would urge you, then to make clear to Canadians who the interpreters of what Sharia demands in family arbitration situations will be, and what standards they will apply. Obviously the Islamic arbitrators won’t be free to do as they wish, using verses from the Quran and Islamic legal texts as they wish. For example, will Sunni families be judged by Sunni arbitrators, while Shi’ite families will be judged by Shi’ite arbitrators? Providing some particulars for the general Canadian public to discuss will bring the discussions out of a realm where the Prophet, tales from the Arabian Nights, and video images of Osama bin Laden blur together. The interpretational differences in Christianity could also provide some perspective for the public discussion. As you know, there are many passages in the Christian Bible (and in the Judaic Tanakh and Talmud) which teach the subjection of women. Usually Christianity’s proponents of subjection for women argue that this subjection is motivated by the utmost in reverence for women, and I have seen Islamic subjectors of women argue similarly. Truly enough, however, Christianity’s subjectors of women don’t always defend the subjection of women on such grounds. St Paul, for instance, argues that women should be silent in church because women are more easily fool’d by Satan. Ha! I’m a man, and I don’t think much of my sex’s ability to withstand the wiles of Satan. In any case, Christian churches that do not call for the subjection of women can point to a somewhat long history now of accepting women as preachers, respecting their right to function as legal persons in law and in business, and in selection of boyfriends and husbands, and in parental authority and honour. Some churches can show a long history of diminishing misogynistic Bible verses, and an elevating of biblical doctrines more favourable to women as the equal partners of men. Admittedly Christianity has had a longer history within modernity than has Islam, therefore one can’t reasonably expect Islam to show a similar tradition of promoting equality for women. But surely the Islamic communities in Canada are eager to develop such a tradition, right? Can’t you invite them to explain in more detail and in public what this tradition will look like? Which are its primary passages from the Quran and other Islamic works? How does sex egalitarian Islam propose to confront and refute the Muslim fanatics who are today such "bad witnesses" for Islam on these questions. I definitely don’t say that Islam in Western countries or anywhere else are obliged to affirm the actual degradation of women in Western commercail media. Obviously, male and female Islamic scholars and Muslims in general have every right and surely the duty to oppose such degradation, or at the very least to make clear that Islam does not endorse such degradation. This is very different from the strange phenomenon where Muslims in the West don’t show obvious embarrassment and definite disagreement with the Islamic "fundamentalists" who impose chador. I know I would feel the most utter horror and contempt if Christian Methodists in some country of the world were demanding the subjection of women in accord with the tenets of Methodist Christianity. I do hope that Islamic men and boys will enjoy the excitement and life enhancement of relating on terms of equality with women and girls in various contexts (family, work, school, worship, romance and love). I feel we in the West have only begun to experience the excitement and life enhancement that is possible when men and boys are permitted to understand something of their own emotional lives, and thus to feel no patricular need to bring in the august authority of God/Allah/Elohim to intimidate women and girls. Even marital fighting is more interesting and satisfying with a wife who is educated and feels she the right to stand on her own. So let us see in print and other media discussion the particualr troubling verses of the Quran and other Islamic texts. Plus an outline of who the Arbitrators would be and the standards they would apply if the Islamic Civil Justice Institute were granted power to decide family law for Muslim citizens of Canada. I think these things would diminish enthusiasm for Sharia arbitration, and at the same time make clear the function of Islamic belief and worship in Canada as a country of equality and freedom. Yours truly, Jonathan Mills, PhD.

4)Dear Ms. Arjomand:

The international law societies of Osgoode Hall Law School and the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, together with the Journal of International Law and International Relations (JILIR) invite you to speak at the 12th annual Canadian International Law Students’ Conference (CILSC) on Saturday, February 26, 2005, to be held in Toronto, Canada.

The CILSC provides a forum for law students, academics, practitioners, and leaders in the field of international law to exchange ideas in a collegial atmosphere. The conference has grown to become a premiere event, and with the expansion of the conference this year, we anticipate an increased attendance, drawing participants from across Canada, the United States and abroad. The CILSC is a joint Osgoode Hall-University of Toronto initiative. The Osgoode and U of T international law societies maintain two of the largest and most active student-run organizations in the Canadian legal community and they have been growing in relevance and importance over the years.

This year, the conference has evolved into a two-day event to be held on February 25-26, 2005. The conference expansion reflects the participation of its new partner, JILIR. On the first day of the conference, JILIR will present a symposium, titled, “Threats, Challenges and Change – the Future of the United Nations.” JILIR has invited Mr. Anand Panyarachun, the Chair of the U.N. High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change as the keynote speaker. JILIR has also already confirmed the participation of New York University Professor and leading international legal scholar, Thomas Franck, and the UN Assistant Secretary General, Ramesh Takhur.

On the second day of the conference, the international law societies will present panels for which we hope you will be a speaker. Last year, John Hancock, Senior Advisor to the Director-General, WTO, delivered the opening keynote address. This year, the Secretary-General of Amnesty International Canada, Alex Neve, and one of the leading trade lawyers in Canada, Lawrence Herman, have already confirmed their participation at the conference. In addition, invitations have been extended to Jim Peterson, Louise Arbour, Barry Appleton, Marlys Edwardh, Bill Graham, Judith Kumin, Frank McKenna, Wesley Wark and Stephen Lewis, as well as many other eminent international law scholars and practitioners. Among nine different panels, the speakers will address topics in private and public international law dealing with trade, human rights, security, the environment, health law and intellectual property, international courts and tribunals, and the practice of international law.

We would be honoured if you would speak at the Conference on Saturday, February 26, 2005 to share your expertise with respect to the use of Sharia law in Ontario in civil arbitrations. Your perspective as the coordinator of the International Campaign Against Sharia Courts would make a valued and timely contribution to the panel and the conference. Among the many timely and important issues in this subject area, we would welcome your insights on the relationship between Sharia law and the Canadian legal tradition and its underlying values. Other invited speakers on the panel include Marion Boyd, Pascale Fournier, Alia Hogben, amongst others. Since the conference is a student-run initiative, we hope that you would be able to finance your travel and accommodation. However, our Finance Committee will try to sponsor your participation if financial constraints would otherwise deter you from participating. You can find more information about the conference at Please contact me, your designated Human Rights Panel Chair, at <> or (416) 889-4594. Thank you for taking the time to consider our proposal. I very much look forward to our future communications.


Paul Jonathan Saguil Human Rights Panel

Paul Jonathan Saguil, B.A. (Hons.) LL.B. Candidate (2007) Osgoode Hall Law School York University

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