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  • Writer's picturearjomandhoma

Bill 21 is a progressive law that protects the rights of all residents in the province

Homa believes that Quebec's Bill 21 is a progressive law that protects the rights of all residents in the province and promotes integration by requiring children to attend non-religious schools. She argues that the law supports women's equality, prevents forced and arranged marriages, and prevents religion from becoming a political movement. She drafted a statement in support of Bill 21 and recommends that the Ontario government adopt a similar law. The statement argues that Bill 21 promotes religious neutrality and aligns with the Canadian constitution. IN SUPPORT OF QUEBEC'S BILL 21 We the undersigned below support Quebec’s Bill 21 and recommend the Ontario government to follow the footstep of Quebec and adopt a similar act.

We believe this act is towards religious neutralityof the constitution act 1867.

Homa Arjomand Coordinator of the International Campaign for One Secular School System for all

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