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The International Campaign To Closedown Iranian Embassies

Writer's picture: arjomandhomaarjomandhoma


Closing down the embassies of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be the beginning of the end of this heinous state and its crimes against the people of Iran. It is also a big step to prevent this regime sustaining terrorism worldwide. We are all aware that the Iranian embassies are the logistic headquarters for organizing terrorist activities. For the safety and security of people in Iran and global citizens, to prevent further crimes by Islamic Regime of Iran, and to assist people in Iran to put an end to this regime, the International Campaign to Closedown Iranian Embassies proposes the following resolutions: · All the Western countries break all their diplomatic ties with the Iranian regime and close down all its Embassies, · We declare that any attempts to buy credibility for Islamic Republic of Iran needs to be exposed and denounced. · We proclaim that the Islamic Republic of Iran be expelled from all International Agencies. · We announce that every one of the leaders of Islamic Republic of Iran, its associates, the regime’s security, intelligence and propaganda forces be arrested and put on trial in an international court. · We declare that all high ranking members of the Islamic Regime of Iran who have been pocketing huge amounts of public money into their personal bank accounts in Canada and other Western countries, be arrested, have them stand trial and freeze their accounts. Homa Arjomand Coordinator of the International Campaign To Closedown Iranian Embassies

کمپين بین المللی برای بستن سفارتخانه های جمهوری اسلامی يک سنگرسیاسی عليه اسلام سياسى است و بايد اينگونه سنگرها را در همه جا و در زمينه هاى مختلف یاری کرد.ولی مهم این است كه باید جا انداخت كه خلاصی از این رژیم تنها راه نجات مردم در ایران و تنها راه پایان دادن به خوف اسلام سیاسی در جهان است. ضروری است که نه تنها مردم آزادیخواه در کانادا بلکه در جهان را در جهت به زیر کشیدن رژیم جنایتکار جمهوری اسلامی را در یک کمپین سیاسی چون کمپين بین المللی برای بستن سفارتخانه های جمهوری اسلامی بسیج کنیم. فراموش نباید کرد که بستن سفارتخانه های رژیم شروع پایان عمر این است

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